以 U- 开头的英语词根笔记

uni- = one, uniqueunifyvt.unifyingadj.unifiedadj.unificationn.reunificationn.unilateraladj.unilaterallyadv.unionn.reunionn.unionizedadj.uniqueadj.uniq

2023-01-28 发布

以 B- 开头的英语词根笔记

bi-, bin-, be-,di-, dwo-, dou-, twi, dwi- = twobipolarbi + polebinocularbin + ocularbipartisanbi + party + san(n)bipartisanshipbi + party + san + shi

2023-01-06 发布

以 G- 开头的英语词根笔记

guideguyguidevt.nlet his instinct guide him.tour guideguidelinen.guidancen.guidingadj.guidedadj.a guided tour/walk.misguidedadj. mis=mistake + guid +

2023-01-05 发布

以 W- 开头的英语词根笔记

wis,wid 1.=vis, vid =see 2. =wisdom 3.=wit 4. =waywitnessn.v wit=vis=vid=see + nessThe world is going through the biggest wave of mergers and acquisi

2023-01-05 发布

以 O- 开头的英语词根笔记

opt-, ops-, oc-, oci- , ocul-, ow = eye, to seeopticadj. opt=eye + icthe optic nerve.opticaladj.optical instrumentoptical expeirmentwindown. wind + ow

2023-01-04 发布

以 V- 开头的英语词根笔记

-vent, -ven, -van = goadventconveneconventionconventionalconventionallyunconventionalconvenientconvenientlyinconvenientconvenienceinconvenienceprevent

2023-01-02 发布

以 T- 开头的英语词根笔记

-trib = give,给tribetribaltribesmantributetributarytribunetribunalretributioncontributecontributioncontributingcontributorattributeattributionattributa

2023-01-02 发布

以 D- 开头的英语词根笔记

dwell 居住、栖身dwellvidwell on sth.dwell among …dwellern.dwellingn.dullvt&vi&adj&nI felt she found me boring and dull.dumbadj.a young deaf and

2023-01-02 发布

以 A- 开头的英语词根笔记

accentn.accentuatevt.incentiven.approachvt&vi ap=ad=to + proach=prop-=come closerapproach to healing patients.the approach of spring.approachingad

2023-01-01 发布

以 L- 开头的英语词根笔记

liter-=letterlettern.letteringn.newslettern.literaladj. liter=letter + alliterallyadv.literateadj.literacyn.illiterateadj.illiteracyn.literaryadj.lite

2023-01-01 发布